Monday, September 29, 2014

Newspaper's Clipping That Slaps Me

Hmm.. Start from where.. thinking This changed me 180 degrees from my early thought of people.

In the time I was in high school, there's an assignment, in group, to made newspaper's clipping about some topic that I can't remember. Well it was long time ago.. I'm a person who can't easily trust anybody, my parent has taught me since I was a kid. With this group consisted of people I didn't know better, of course I had no trust about them, and also knew nothing about them.

We had 2 weeks to finish this assignment. There's no discussion about who's the leader, what would we do first, where we could do our assignment together, when, etc. It was all in silent until 1st week passed. I am a person who get used to this all... the time, in many group assignment and I am sick of it. I gathered many newspapers since first day I got this assignment, ALONE. I was waiting for the others paper / clip. I wished they realize their own job and try to cooperate. Yes... COOPERATE. Three days to go.. nothing happened except one guy gave me a lot of newspaper.surprise Are they nuts?!

I was a person who hardly argue and often choose to keep quiet, at that time. I took the newspaper home, collected the news we need, cut that one by one, glued the clips in HVS, and binded it into a nice clipping, ALONE, helped by my mother who sadly saw me in that condition. I did this till 2 AM in the same day my group should submit the assignment.

I remember her words, "Kamu lebih tega ngeliat Mama ngerjain gini sampe malem dibanding ngeliat temen-temen kamu," (You could see me doing these things until late rather than your friends. How could you?!). And... My heart was broken. I had no idea why I did that..

Many things I learn since that day..:
- Learn to trust people, including friend. They also human, like me, have weakness, have strength. Everybody is SPECIAL with his/her own way.
- Do SPEAK! Try to talk about this, group assignment should be done together... not alone.
- No hard feelings.. no negative thinking.. no assumption.. BE OBJECTIVE
- Cooperating even can break the wall... It has POWER.
- Just be SINCERE. It doesn't matter you get your payback or not.. We'll get it somehow in the other form. Trust me.. That's the way it is..

Yes I am still the person who hardly trust people, but I am now easily learn to trust people, because I also want to be trusted. I put other's trust in the highest place.. I was betrayed many times, then what.. I can't generalize all people in my own frame, subjectively.

That's what I learned. Hopefully useful for people who read this..happy
I am still memorizing it till now.